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Mission & Commitment

Our Core Mission is “To help our Members to realize their dreams by anticipating, understanding and meeting their financial needs”. We, CITO NIDHI LIMITED to stand as India’s financial institution of choice for our members, customers, staff and shareholders by setting the standard of excellence in customer satisfaction, employee engagement, social responsibility and shareholder value while building successful societies. Our Aim is to be the most respected financial institution which has been following the impervious principles of Trust and a Guarantee with fair practice code and balance which remain the reason of our goodwill. We are truly working always bridging the chasm between promise and performance. We committed to create Leadership through innovation

Commitment to Members : CITO NIDHI always committed to its members and customers of its core values of its mission statement. Our commitment is mutual growth of our members through Trust and Responsibility and contribute in fulfilling members’ financial dreams.

Commitment to Staff : CITO NIDHI believes in building a strong relationship with our external and internal customers. Our human capital – Staff and Vendors to whom we are committed to provide a decent work environment. Therefore we look for people possessing passion to excel, can-do attitude, a go-getter and innate talent for success. We train, nurture, impart banking knowledge, skill building and provide necessary tools to deliver excellent service with creative solutions which will build long-term relationships with members/ customers.

Commitment to Management : Our commitment to the management always lies on designing and developing the company and make it the most trusted valued company among the financial institutions.

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